06 May 2008

Semenancy is NOT a right!!

The time has come for the public to wake up to the threat posed by the spread of semenancy through our society! Did your daughter come home from college last semester wearing a bracelet indicating that she is practicing semenancy? Does your son wear his clothing in the style of the semenancers? Do you know if the youth groups in your community are fronts for the promotion of this perverse form of satanic witchcraft??

Educate yourself and your community about semenancy today! Demand that congress ban semenancy immediately! John McCain has supported a ban on spurt-scrying, why have Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton remained silent about this perversion??? What do they have to hide??!?



Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for showing my block association how to recognize the fashion styles popular among the spurt kids. We wouldn't have thought that so many young folks in our neck of the woods would be dressing spurt-style but even out here it is real popular. Seems like a lot of them don't even know they're dressing like real semenancers!

JizzedelicFilms said...

We are doing a documentary on the early 2000s west coast spurt scene and really appreciate the semenancy sub-culture deep history presented on this site. Thanks!