13 November 2009

Seven Sisters Semenancy Sorority

Hopefully most of you heard the wonderful report on NPR about Smith College finally ceasing the harassment of sororities who utilize semenancy and/or related sex magick. It certainly was about time, as both spurt scrying and lesbolysergic squirt scrying have been part of the Seven Sisters tradition since before suffrage!

BTW - the 13th annual Western Massachusetts SpurtFest is now booked for April 2010!! Make your reservations now!

12 July 2009

Michael Jackson - Addicted to Anesthesia and Semenancy??

Rumors are rampant through Hollywood that Michael Jackson may have been practicing a particularly intense and risky form of semenancy involving prolonged semen milking while under intravenous sedation......

We will bring you updates as soon as they become available.

28 April 2009

Bestial Semenancy Link to Swine Flu ?!?!

As many of you have seen on the cooking programs, there has been a revival of interest among adventuresome foodies in almost-forgotten traditional recipes utilizing semen from humans and other animals both. A recent web post lamented the lost recipe for pig semen dumplings and many farmers markets are unable to keep up with demand for cooking semen.

Naturally at a time when pandemic influenza seems a distinct possibility the enemies of S**D divination seek to blame those alleged to practice ancient arts of bestial semenancy for the current crisis.

How foolish this is!! The paths of semenancy are many and varied, but truly few are inclined to cast their pearls before swine....

It's the goddess showing off....that's all....