25 July 2008

The Semenancer in Chief.....???

By now I'm sure everyone has seen the speech...

Everyone saw what he was wearing....!!

Everyone heard the coded phrases he spoke.....!!!

Everyone saw the huge crowds of seemingly ordinary Berliners cheering and openly flashing crypto-sementic mudras to their leader.....!!!!

They no longer care to hide themselves!!!!!

Please Jesus take us to heaven now so that we do not have to witness the elevation of the first unabashed Warlock in Chief!!!!!

Pray to God and John Mccain to save this country from Satanic Sex Magick!!!!!!!!

22 July 2008

Six Succubi of Semenancy!!

As the irresistible impulse towards symbo-semenative trepanitude has coursed through the veins of the Orgonosoul all with the means to perceive have been drawn towards its dark light and tempted by the potential for bathing in the enraptured irrelevancy of time-space.

But as the recent papal encyclical proclaimed - "The tolerance of oneiro-sementic witchcraft by Western society reflects a deep sickness and affront to Our Lord." Normally we would have to consider whether this surprising condemnation of the most vile and dangerous variety of sementic scrying represented some devious ruse on the part of the papists, but all who know the havoc that the Six Succubi of Semenancy have wreaked in the dreamworld in recent weeks will understand that the oneiro-semenancers truly represent a dire threat even to the Beast in Rome.

Guard your dreams America - lest you find yourself witch drained by dawn!!


08 July 2008

Symbolic Trepanation With the Seed of Satan!!

We are all familiar with ordinary semenancy as practiced everywhere from secluded full moon rituals and covert church "socials" to the bedrooms of middle Americans of every color, creed and political affiliation. But how many are aware that besides the common place use of facial semen pattern interpretation as a tool of ritual fortune telling and placation of Satan, the semenancers also commonly use their ejaculate of evil to symbolically trepan those receiving the seed and - so they believe -permit expansion of brainbloodvolume in adjacent dimensions??? They believe this allows all the benefits of corporeal trepanation without the need either for boring into the skull or changing hat size post-brainbloodvolume upsurge. Some covens utilizing such sementic symbo-trepanative techniques assert that the crown chakra of the sementic sigil recipient is thereby allowed direct access to the flow of the universal currents of irreducibility. We on the other hand, all know the only thing flowing into the hole in their heads will be the spirit of Satan possessing their immortal souls for all times hence!!

06 July 2008

Sementic Censorship!!

Many of you have written to us to point out how rapidly stories related to semenancy disappear from media archives and search engines. We always appreciate hearing all updates, but it should come as no surprise to anyone that the dark hand of the semenancers is at work throughout the land. The satanists have so thoroughly infiltrated our society that they can paste their sulphurous white-out with wild abandon across the face of our culture, obscuring the evidence of their ubiquity through the energetic practice of the very perversion they would have us to believe to be an urban legend at best - harmless hobby at worst. But we all know that such "jizz witchery" is not on Our Lord's list of approved Christian recreation, and the semenancers therefore will undoubtedly meet a very sticky end.