25 May 2008

Ouija, Palmistry, Semenancy - Satanic Seduction

So many people who consider themselves Christians think nothing of letting their own young children re-enact ancient pagan satanic rituals every October 31st. So it should not be surprising to see how little attention most pay to the insidious means by which satan lures his minions to their doom. As the satanists who secretly operate so many of our school and social institutions have worked hard to ensure - "innocent seeming" forms of black magick such as ouija boards and palm reading "play" are introduced to most American children at an early age. With satanic indoctrination beginning so early, is anyone really surprised by the survey last week revealing that most college freshmen would not object to being assigned to room with a practicing semenancer??! Satan WANTS us to treat this as "just another fad" but semenancy is deadly serious!!

22 May 2008

The Semenancers Squabble!

We already knew that despite their shared devotion to satan different factions of semenancers practice individual types of witchcraft. Now that their sick practices have been examined in the media they are even challenging each other openly! Look at this example of how one group of satan's scryers sees another group:

Semenancy Heresy?

I don't need to tell you that BOTH of these sick cults are destined to explain themselves before Our Lord on the Day of Judgment!!

21 May 2008

Semenancy is NOT a Tool for Maintaining Chastity!!!

I know many of you are as disturbed as I was to discover that some liberal activist groups have advocated an "un-biased" examination of semenancy as part of their insidious "sex education" curriculum. Even more shocking is the fact that some of these "educators" actually have the gall to suggest that semenancy be encouraged as a "safer" alternative to intercourse and traditional sodomy. Well anyone who has ever opened the Holy Bible knows that when the liberal elite says "un-biased" they really mean un-Christian!! Semenancy must be wiped off the face of the earth!!

09 May 2008

Semenancy Destroys Lives!!

Some of you may have seen the story in the supermarket tabloid about the businessman who was addicted to semenancy. His ability to read the rise and fall of the markets in the sementic spirals and splotches allowed him to amass an incredible fortune. However God ensured that he reaped an appropriate harvest and - after decades of dissipating his enormous wealth with a lifestyle of expensive drugs and promiscuous kinky sex - he died suddenly while engaged in an act of utmost perversion! Surely those who disregard the Lord's injunctions against witchcraft will one day know the awesome intensity of his righteous wrath!


08 May 2008

God Will Judge!

Many of you saw the cable news report on the high percentage of pop music hits containing references to semenancy and wrote me concerned about whether THEIR children were listening to such filth. Unfortunately, in this sick and decadent age it is very difficult to find pop hits WITHOUT reference either to semenancy or some other form of satanic sex magick. As parents we owe it to our children to recognize the work of the semenancers wherever it appears. Why won't congress enact mandatory ratings so that Christian Americans no longer have to risk inadvertently purchasing the revolting work of the spurt scryers?!?!

07 May 2008

Signs of Semenancy!

Everywhere are the signs that the practice of satanic divination involving deviant sexual activity has become widespread in American society. When even politicians are accused of utilizing semenancy in the course of political campaigns how can we hope to rid our own communities of this sickening affront to all that is good??!

06 May 2008

Semenancy is NOT a right!!

The time has come for the public to wake up to the threat posed by the spread of semenancy through our society! Did your daughter come home from college last semester wearing a bracelet indicating that she is practicing semenancy? Does your son wear his clothing in the style of the semenancers? Do you know if the youth groups in your community are fronts for the promotion of this perverse form of satanic witchcraft??

Educate yourself and your community about semenancy today! Demand that congress ban semenancy immediately! John McCain has supported a ban on spurt-scrying, why have Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton remained silent about this perversion??? What do they have to hide??!?