22 July 2008

Six Succubi of Semenancy!!

As the irresistible impulse towards symbo-semenative trepanitude has coursed through the veins of the Orgonosoul all with the means to perceive have been drawn towards its dark light and tempted by the potential for bathing in the enraptured irrelevancy of time-space.

But as the recent papal encyclical proclaimed - "The tolerance of oneiro-sementic witchcraft by Western society reflects a deep sickness and affront to Our Lord." Normally we would have to consider whether this surprising condemnation of the most vile and dangerous variety of sementic scrying represented some devious ruse on the part of the papists, but all who know the havoc that the Six Succubi of Semenancy have wreaked in the dreamworld in recent weeks will understand that the oneiro-semenancers truly represent a dire threat even to the Beast in Rome.

Guard your dreams America - lest you find yourself witch drained by dawn!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My cousin was visited by one of them succubuses last weekend. He might have handled it okay - maybe not even minded too much except for the fact that he was crashing from that damn tweek and slept straight through...

After that jizz ghost finished having her sick way with him for close on 53 hours straight he came to looking like a squeezed out tube of toothpaste!