12 June 2008

Semenancers Infecting Third World With Crypto-Semenancy!!!

Quite a few of you have written to us from parts of Africa, Asia, and Latin America to report that the traitors to God who call themselves semenancers have been spreading their evil, degraded practices while posing as ministers of our Lord. Sadly, we've long been aware that some missionaries who call themselves "Christians" are actually servants of lucifer devoted to seducing unwary new populations into the most base sementic perversions!! Many of these false prophets will wear a symbol or piece of jewelry indicating their loyalty to the cult of semenancy. What about the ones in your land???


Anonymous said...

In my village a man came from America who tried to get us to stop attending mass and to worship with him in what he said was the true Christian manner. We had never heard of practices like those he showed us - many of which were things normally only done between husbands and wives - but he assured us that everyone at his megachurch worshiped Our Lord this way. Then one of the priests showed us an article on the semenancers and their sick mission to convert simple people. Thank you for fighting to alert people to the danger of the semenancer missionaries.

Anonymous said...

Now that you have alerted us these types of pendants and rings have been seen on many. Now we know what they truly represent and will turn our faces from them. God Bless You!