22 June 2008

Solstice Semenancy in Your Backyard

The semenancers were hard at their sacrilegious craft this past weekend as the pagan rituals surrounding the summer solstice were used as an excuse for orgiastic semenancy on a scale seldom seen before. We have been receiving reports of the aftermath from our friends the world over and we have to face the fact that the popularity of semenancy has exploded over the past year. No longer just the province of traditional heathen peoples of the hinterlands or the networks of satanists controlling the United States and European Union, satanic divination through semen facial pattern interpretation has shot across the face of the planet and left large pools of morally compromised deviants mired in a lifestyle devoted only to pure pleasure and pagan illumination. How many who might have found our Lord one day instead found their fate and faces sealed this heathen "holy-day"???


Anonymous said...

I don't know if you saw the Reuters story but apparently there were several dozen arrests for public semenancy in Berlin during the solstice....

Anonymous said...

We have also heard that many communities found evidence that mass gatherings of semenancers had taken place in public parks, playing fields, and public plazas in the dead of night. Many people are waiting until several soaking rains have passed before again utilizing these areas for recreative purposes. Who can blame them??

Anonymous said...

Youre all insane. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are the biggest crimes ever perpetrated against the human race. Slave religions!! All 3. A god who tortures you if you refuse to love him. Your god is an abusive father!!!

Siva said...

The comment above is right!

Semenancy, squirt scrying, and similar types of sex magick are all ways we can come together as humans.

Don't be afraid of what you don't understand... :)

blessed be!