19 June 2008

Semenancy Scandal Rocks Cosmetics World!!!

Anyone who saw the news about the "new age" cosmetics company that was revealed to be a front for the semenancer conspiracy knows how little this facepaint industry deserves to be trusted! Once cosmetics were used exclusively by tramps and slatterns . Lipstick was originally invented as a means for ancient Egyptian "ladies of the evening" to advertise the availability of their mouths for purposes of oral copulation. How fitting is it that those who would paint themselves as harlots do must now wonder if their favorite products are also contaminated with the "sacred seed" of these depraved cosmeticians?!!


Anonymous said...

Semen has been an important part of skin care for thousands of years - just ask Helen Gurley Brown.

Ritual semenancy is an age old tradition in many parts of the world, and the fact that it is becoming popular now among westerners should surprise no one. Everyone can feel how unsettled and in flux the world is today. It is only natural that people should look to any means possible to get a better sense of what is to come...

Anonymous said...

Go back to your macramé yurt you traitor to God!!! Witchcraft is witchcraft even if surrounded by new age music and scented candles!! After the day of judgment you will learn whether or not all the intense ritual psychedelic sex was worth it!! Get ready for your ultimate reward hippie witch!!

Anonymous said...

So sad that operatives of the staged 2016 "election" have been so successful in suppressing this blog and its vital message.

If there is any hope for humanity whatsoever it is vital that the public confront semenancy head on - look the issue directly in the eye, and be prepared to receive whatever comes. No ClintonTrumpShillShamSideShow can prevent true spurts of knowledge from finding a receptive and eager audience.

Ivan said...

Look at Donald Trump's face.

Look REALLY carefully....

Can you not see the ravages of years of Slavic Semenancy Ceremonies???

Look at Melania's face - clear and unblemished.

You wonder how she can deliver the seed to The Donald's face??

Read up on Putin's advanced Phallic Strap-On Squirt technology and all will become clear....