25 August 2008

Semen and Science - The Road to Hell Is Lined With Labcoated Witchery!!

If you saw yesterday's wire story you know that several universities have reportedly been awarded classified grants to study satanic divination through facial semen pattern interpretation in an attempt to learn how to harness the power of this perverse and evil sorcery in the defense of the Christian United States AmEn. Let us be clear - There is NO justification for the use of ANY form of satanic seminal sex magick no matter HOW just the cause!! EVER!!!!!

And what a joke that anyone should expect the scientists with their lab mice and murine models of semenancy to ever begin to decipher the twisted secrets of this most ancient erotic evil!! Trust me, doctors know NOTHING about the consequences of astral assaults. There is NOTHING in the literature supporting the use of Haldol for treatment of victims of oneiro-sementic symbo-trepanation!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Madame - You may not be aware that the murine sementic scrying tail flick test has been repeatedly validated over more than two decades of research. Furthermore, despite the wild claims made by groups such as PETA, federally funded research into animal models of spermatistic sex magick has NEVER included actual physical trepanation of lab mice.